Sykesville: (410) 970-6181 Mt. Airy: (667) 367-2311
Sykesville: (410) 970-6181
Mt. Airy: (667) 367-2311

Immanuel Montessori Schools

  >  Sykesville   >  Spring Fun -Sykesville-

Spring Fun -Sykesville-

Spring is here! We decorated eggs with baking soda and paint then dipped them in vinegar to make bubbles! Fun! We also painted with eggs, made edible bird nests and much more:). Celebrating spring didn’t stop us from experimenting with matter and learning about how it’s affected by temperature…We melted ice cubes to retrieve cool tiny objects, and froze milk to make yummy ice cream:). Our sensory bins were filled with big ice blocks that we rubbed with rock salt and neon paint to make tunnels:). FUN!